Saturday, April 4, 2009

Crazy Paper Lady

I was at Staples today picking up Turbotax (yes, we waited until the last minute) so that we can file our taxes. Anyways, I decided to pick up some printer paper while there. I was happy to find 100% recycled paper. I buy recycled when I can find it because otherwise it's just a nasty waste of paper. Granted, not everyone will feel that way about it. But that's not the point of this post. I was standing in the checkout line and this lady ahead of me points out the circular for the week and asks if I saw the special on paper. She shows me a deal that's about half price what I'm paying for my paper. I politely thank her and state the paper on sale is not recycled paper. No harm done - I figure she's just trying to be helpful. So then she proceeds to ask me how much I'm paying for my chosen paper. Of course, rather than tell her to mind her own business as I should have done, I answer her question. She then goes on about how I shouldn't have to pay more money to recycle. That I can help the environment by encouraging others to recycle. To which I reply that I'm okay spending a little more money in order to help the environment. I don't even remember what she said about that. But my jaw must've been somewhere near the floor by this point. I mean, seriously? This lady is arguing with me about my choice of purchase. Weird. I mean, I get that someone might feel the way she does. And to each his own as far as the actual issue. But I just can't believe some random stranger felt the need to argue with me about my paper choice. I think I ended the conversation by saying, "Well, to each his own," and then turned my head away. Of course then she proceeded to argue with the cashiers about some sort of coupon that clearly said online/phone purchase only. She insisted that she be allowed to use the coupon in the store. Good grief!